Carl Safina is an ecologist and a MacArthur Fellow. His latest book is Alfie and Me: What Owls Know, What Humans Believe. He holds the Endowed Chair for Nature and Humanity at Stony Brook University and is founder of the not-for-profit Safina Center. He is author of numerous books on the human relationship with the rest of the living world. More at CarlSafina.org and SafinaCenter.org.
Mutual Healing: Lessons Learned from an Orphaned Owl
October 10, 2023
By Carl Safina
Protecting Earth: If ‘Nature Needs Half,’ What Do People Need?
December 14, 2021
By Carl Safina
Avoiding a ‘Ghastly Future’: Hard Truths on the State of the Planet
January 27, 2021
By Carl Safina
Psychic Numbing: Keeping Hope Alive in a World of Extinctions
February 26, 2020
By Carl Safina
The Real Case for Saving Species: We Don’t Need Them, But They Need Us
October 21, 2019
By Carl Safina
In Defense of Biodiversity: Why Protecting Species from Extinction Matters
February 12, 2018
By Carl Safina
Why U.S. East Coast Should Stay Off-Limits to Oil Drilling
February 23, 2015
By Carl Safina
No Refuge: Tons of Trash Covers The Remote Shores of Alaska
July 1, 2013
By Carl Safina
One Year Later: Assessing the Lasting Impact of the Gulf Spill
April 18, 2011
By Carl Safina
After Two Decades of Delay, A Chance to Save Bluefin Tuna
March 4, 2010
By Carl Safina
Regulators Are Pushing Bluefin Tuna to the Brink
December 8, 2008
By Carl Safina
Carbon’s Burden on the World’s Oceans
June 2, 2008
By Carl Safina