Michael D. Lemonick is an opinion editor at Scientific American and a former senior staff writer at Climate Central. Prior to joining Climate Central, he was a senior science writer at Time magazine, where he covered science and the environment for more than 20 years. He has also written four books on astronomical topics and has taught science journalism at Princeton University for the past decade.
Florida Counties Band Together To Ready for Warming’s Effects
January 12, 2012
Probing the Role of the Sun In an Era of Global Warming
August 1, 2011
Can We Trust Climate Models? Increasingly, the Answer is ‘Yes’
January 18, 2011
The Effect of Clouds on Climate: A Key Mystery for Researchers
August 30, 2010
High Above the Earth, Satellites Track Melting Ice
July 6, 2010
The Secret of Sea Level Rise: It Will Vary Greatly By Region
March 22, 2010
Solar Power from Space: Moving Beyond Science Fiction
August 31, 2009
Report Gives Sobering View of Warming’s Impact on U.S.
June 30, 2009
Freeman Dyson Takes on the Climate Establishment
June 4, 2009
As Effects of Warming Grow, UN Report is Quickly Dated
February 12, 2009