About E360

Yale Environment 360 is an online magazine offering opinion, analysis, reporting, and debate on global environmental issues. We feature original articles by scientists, journalists, environmentalists, academics, policymakers, and business people, as well as multimedia and a daily digest of major environmental news.

Yale Environment 360 is published at the Yale School of the Environment. We receive funding from the BAND Foundation, the William Penn Foundation, the Heinz Endowments, and the Climate and Land Use Alliance. All of Yale Environment 360’s editorial decisions and judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support.

The opinions and views expressed in Yale Environment 360 are those of the authors and not of the Yale School of the Environment or of Yale University.


Online and print republication of Yale Environment 360 content is not allowed without written consent. To request permission to republish articles, photos, or multimedia, contact Yale Environment 360 at e360@yale.edu.

If permission is granted, articles must be republished in their entirety with a credit line at the top of the article stating it is from Yale Environment 360. In addition, republished content must include a link to our site.


Editor: Roger Cohn
Senior Editor: Elizabeth Royte 
Managing Editor: Jeremy Deaton
Contributing Editor: Nicola Jones

Editorial Interns: Meryl Braconnier, Scarlett Pinkey, Malina Reber

Email us at:

205 Prospect Street
3rd Floor
New Haven, CT 06511 

Mailing Address
Yale Environment 360
Yale School the Environment 
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

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Support E360

Yale Environment 360 is funded by donations from private individuals and foundations that support our work. We are not funded directly by Yale University. We depend on contributions from those who value e360 and its top-quality, highly informed reporting, commentary, and analysis on global environmental issues. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation.

Privacy Policy

In compliance with information technology guidelines of Yale University, we respect the privacy of all users of e360. User data, such as IP addresses and page requests are collected, but used only internally in summary format. We do not collect individual biographical information from users without their consent.

Personal information, such as email addresses, which are input by the user at this site are used only for announcements related to e360 activities. Individual user information is not released to third parties.

The complete text of the Yale University Information Appropriate Use Policy is published at yale.edu.

Submission Guidelines

We accept queries and unsolicited articles from qualified contributors, and will do our best to provide a timely response. We publish original articles on a broad range of global environmental topics, and our site is aimed at an informed, but non-expert audience. Most of our articles are within the range of 1,500-1,800 words, though we have no firm word limits. All work must be written exclusively for Yale Environment 360.

Queries or submissions should include a short biography of the author and should be emailed to: e360@yale.edu