A barred owl.

Federal officials are set to launch an effort to save the threatened northern spotted owl by killing thousands of invasive barred owls in the Pacific Northwest. The initiative is supported by mainstream conservation organizations but opposed by animal welfare groups.

By Jim Robbins


The Race to Save Glacial Ice Records Before They Melt Away

As glaciers melt around the globe, scientists are racing to retrieve ice cores that contain key historical records of temperature and climate that are preserved in the ice. Researchers are also pushing to gather ancient relics locked in the ice before they are lost to warming

By Nicola Jones

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An emerald ash borer.


To Foil a Deadly Pest, Scientists Aim for a Beetle-Resistant Ash Tree

Emerald ash borer beetles have killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in the U.S. Now, researchers are nurturing ash that can withstand the insects, in the hope of producing resistant seeds that would ensure a future for trees that are a crucial part of Eastern forests.

By Elizabeth Kolbert

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