Google Develops MeterTo Closely Track Home Power Usage

Google is developing a “PowerMeter” that will allow homeowners and businesses to closely track electricity usage of appliances, heaters, and other devices on their computers. The PowerMeter

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Google’s ‘PowerMeter’
represents the search engine giant’s entry into the world of smart meter technology, which enables consumers to reduce energy consumption by instantaneously monitoring the sources of power consumption in their homes and offices. Google is now testing the software with employees and hopes to work with utilities and manufacturers of smart meters to make the technology widely available to consumers. President Obama has proposed using funds from his economic stimulus package to install 40 million smart meters in American homes. The Google software uses a graf to show power usage, and smart meter technology will allow homeowners to program appliances such as dishwashers or dryers to run at times of low demand on the electricity grid. Google CEO Eric Schmidt said recently, “It seems obvious to me that if you give (energy) information to end users they behave smartly.”