Deepest Video Ever FilmedCaptures `Sociable’ Fish Five Miles Down

Scientists have filmed a group of highly active snailfish feeding on shrimp in a Pacific Ocean trench more than 25,000 feet under the surface of the sea. Scottish and Japanese researchers, sending cameras deeper than ever before, captured lively groups of pale hadal snailfish living in some of the most extreme conditions on the planet — in total darkness, near-freezing temperatures, and immense water pressure. “All we’ve seen before of life at this depth have been shriveled specimens in museums,” said Monty Piede, director of Oceanlab, which carried out the dive. “We thought the
deepest fishes would be motionless, solitary, fragile individuals eking out an existence in a food-sparse environment. But these fish aren’t loners. These images show groups that are sociable and active — possibly even families.”