Sources: CLINTON — Climate Change, Oil and Gas Drilling ( 1, 2, 3), Coal (1, 2), Natural Gas, Renewable Energy (1, 2), Carbon tax, Paris Climate Agreement (1, 2),Clean Power Plan; TRUMP — Climate Change, Oil and Gas Drilling (1, 2), Coal (1, 2), Natural Gas, Renewable Energy, Carbon tax, Paris Climate Agreement, Clean Power Plan (1, 2); PARTY PLATFORMS — Democratic Party Platform 2016, Republican Party Platform 2016
Clinton vs. Trump: A Sharp Divide Over Energy and the Environment
Environmental and energy issues have received relatively little attention from the two major-party candidates in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. But when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have spoken out on these issues, the differences — like just about everything else about this campaign — have been stark. In this chart, Yale Environment 360 compares what Clinton and Trump have said on topics ranging from climate change to coal.
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