Two New Climate Warnings: Prepare for 4ËšC Rise, Flooded Cities in Asia

A leading scientific adviser to the British government says the country should plan for a temperature increase of 4Ëš C (7.2Ëš F), a rise that many scientists say could radically disrupt the planet’s climate. Bob Watson, the chief scientific adviser to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said the global community should strive to limit temperature increases to 2Ëš C, but warned that the U.K. and other nations must make preparations for hotter temperatures. The U.K., he said, must plan for rising sea levels, inland flooding, and extreme weather events. Meanwhile, a United Nations-World Bank report entitled “Climate Resilient Cities” urges leaders in Asian nations to prepare for disruption from climate change, including flooding and greater exposure to typhoons and hurricanes. The report recommends a range of measures, from building outside of floodplains to protecting critical infrastructure.