Roger Real Drouin is an author and journalist who covers environmental issues. His articles have appeared in Scientific American, Ensia, Grist, Mother Jones, and other publications. He was named the 2018 John Ringling Towers literary arts grant fellow, for a book he is writing on Florida’s native landscapes.
After an Uncertain Start, U.S. Offshore Wind Is Powering Up
January 11, 2018
By Roger Drouin
Ghost Forests
How Rising Seas Are Killing Southern U.S. Woodlands
November 1, 2016
By Roger Drouin
In Iowa, A Bipartisan Push to Become Leader in Wind Energy
June 2, 2016
By Roger Drouin
How Conservative Texas Took The Lead in U.S. Wind Power
April 9, 2015
By Roger Drouin
Wood Pellets: Green Energy or New Source of CO2 Emissions?
January 22, 2015
By Roger Drouin
On Fracking Front, A Push To Reduce Leaks of Methane
April 7, 2014
By Roger Drouin
As Fracking Booms, Growing Concerns About Wastewater
February 18, 2014
By Roger Drouin