Rebecca Kessler is a freelance science and environmental journalist based in Providence, Rhode Island. A former senior editor at Natural History, her work has been published by ClimateCentral.org, Conservation, Discover, Natural History, ScienceNOW, ScienceInsider, and Environmental Health Perspectives.
Fast-Warming Gulf of Maine Offers Hint of Future for Oceans
November 17, 2014
Mimicking Nature, New Designs Ease Fish Passage Around Dams
May 6, 2014
A North Atlantic Mystery: Case of the Missing Whales
November 26, 2013
New Initiatives to Clean Up The Global Aquarium Trade
July 3, 2013
Long Outlawed in the West, Lead Paint Sold in Poor Nations
March 28, 2013
Mercury’s Silent Toll On the World’s Wildlife
January 31, 2013
In Midwest, Bringing Back Native Prairies Yard by Yard
December 20, 2012
How Fishing Gear is Killing Whales in the North Atlantic
October 29, 2012